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Showing most liked content on 04/27/22 in all areas

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    The moment we saw Violent Resolution was PKing we decided to mass up. Had a bunch of people jump on last minute so we moved right up to Vetion before figuring they had moved to the caves. Found a few of them on a 1750 world scattered between sides as we killed the few that got teleblocked and took an ending. Figuring they'd remass we continued PKing around the wilderness before going back to Abyssal Demons to look for them again. Before long we ran into each other on W422 where we barraged eachother in the hallway. Eventually a bunch of victim clans showed up but we were able to fight each other through despite 3 clans pulling 5 a piece. With Playdead beginning to trickle in 1 by 1 we switched our focus and made them our bitch while they leaned on an army of itemers for help. RoT would rush in and clear everyone west while we killed everyone to the east. Leaving the mess inside behind we moved the fight outside where we began fighting Playdead who got sliced in half again. With RoT pretty much clearing the inside of the cave we re-rushed VR north of the cave entrance and began fighting again. Continuing to gain throughout the fight we pushed everyone around the wilderness with short bouts against VR in between killing our victims. It's safe to say we farmed EVERY clan that showed up to hit us tonight. That's why we're the kings.
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