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Showing most liked content on 09/30/22 in all areas

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    A little bird told me that some of BC's spin-offs were out pretending to PK/ANTI-PK. We started of by hitting their lil anti-pk trip at Callisto, after clearing them off the map and moving to Altar we hit their newly merged SoG vennies. Hopping a bit more in hope BC would stop being pussies and fight by themselves for once, we caught some of syndicate boys slacking and took their loot. After that we heard BC was desperate pinging MASS RAG disc to fight PY and we decided to give it a fast clear. Clearing BC out of the map and forcing them to run to scorpia pit for a regroup, we took our victory and walked away. Still wondering why PD never showed up, guess not even battlescape's death brought you back huh? https://streamable.com/uj3t32
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