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Ron Artester

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Everything posted by Ron Artester

  1. returned faster than you and farmed you with majority of our team meds nuff said i own you clowns in multi all day
  2. l0l you didnt make shit you got farmed lost so many sets
  3. dude we had probably 4-5 120s tops rest meds and a few zerks
  4. you want our audio of farming you XD dr = dead retards
  5. you panic in multi and you can't brid just sell your account and quit, then you make a topic after getting farmed by meds l0000000000000l ct closed get over it
  6. @Nullusionlog in brid me avoider, you're so bad at the game it's funny
  7. how many barrage clumps did you retards get in holy fuck l000000000l
  8. no wonder you were low rank in ct you're legit dogshit l0l you can't switch prayers and you panic ugly ass kid
  9. @Nullusion explain retard why you a 1 bang you shitter
  10. @Cave pm to join me bro this clan is dead l0l bullied by meds make fake topics just like veng
  11. dog shit quality main clan getting bullied by meds l0l
  12. @Nullusion still a shitter l00000000000l
  13. l0000l delusional retards you got farmed by med levels imgaine making a topic of you getting farmed l0000000000l ct closed dr = dogshit apparently
  14. yeah 14 losers, spending their time jerking each other off, rofl i'm laughing at you losers, mass up to pk and sit in ts jerking off, I did this to you l0l
  15. death row: pulls 14, too scared to pk, can't compete with sv, scared of sv and hides from wildy
  16. funny thing is rev warriors can pull more than your dogshit clan 😂
  17. you downies cant pk rofl 14 in ts, no pk okej venny retards
  18. yeah nullsion can you stutter more kid you're the worst caller i've ever heard in my life.
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