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Mendacium last won the day on December 20 2023

Mendacium had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

200 Excellent

About Mendacium

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  1. Your re-opening will amount to nothing more than feeding new members to Deathrow as it was in 2021, and 2022.
  2. Your clan chats are owned.
  3. The fourth iteration of your leadership is also owned.
  4. The first, second and third leadership in your 2024 re-opening has been owned.
  5. Your Discord server has been owned.
  6. It is not an over exaggeration when I say that it is everyone spying on 420.
  7. I know you will read this topic Jeff, and the comments, as you try to decipher who is the latest leak in your clan.
  8. You had 120+ in an open cc and two days later you were abandoned by all your staff.
  9. How do you lose not one, but two entire staff teams in 4 weeks?
  10. Some of those weapons belonged to your members. But you aren't a failure in leadership lol...
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