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Showing most liked content on 04/26/24 in all areas

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    Sent poke for pk since we knew TS and a combination of TK and DK were out, funnily enough these 2 groups ended up fighting one another at Venenatis entrance and we logged in and ate all 3 clans in 5 minutes, thanks coin etc. The Storm would go into hider mode pking at Scorpia and Slayer Cave while pre-orbed to 40 hp to avoid DR but we didnt let that happen and followed their every loc until they were forced to sit in banks for 25 minutes before the next time they could enter wilderness. Shortly after we got told our friends at AC would be starting a pk. We grabbed our special weapons and took ac member "Beasty Koer" for his fang. This would send ANOTHER clan into pre-orb hider loc pk mode. The Storm thought it'd be a great idea to bank +1s to hit a venny callisto mass while we were owning in mace gear but unfortunately for them we got into high risk world gear and took the hit from them while killing them at the same time. Eventually we would FINALLY run into a group of pkers willing to fight back, Eliop14's stream would set up at callisto entrance for us to rush and we made an epic war at bear cave, The Storm made an attempt to join Eliop's cc so they could MAYBE get a kill but nope owned them niggas too, GF Eliop. With the night winding down, after a month of no pking Sicarios FINALLY entered the wilderness and would happened to be Fighting TK + DK (hid all night aswell) at gap. We logged in smoked everything and thanked them for the loot to cap off the night.
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