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  1. Last week
  2. Good shit everyone! Glad yall are still uploading videos on Youtube. I'll return back one day!
  3. We have some updates to our latest big releases! View the full article
  4. It’s been a little while since we last checked in on our official client team’s progress, so today to give you an update! View the full article
  5. hey guys was gone for a bit was on vaction etc for summer break im back ready to pk
  6. Earlier
  7. IF stands for I forgot --> my protection prayers 😂
  8. Still no PD to be found in the wilderness. 😜
  9. good fight Rot and Thank you "if" for paying your Wilderness Tax Obligations
  10. Rendual kicking bluecryair inb4 bluecryair submits to spying on if
  11. Bluecryair gonna learn his lesson the hard way
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