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Everything posted by diegoM

  1. Saw some midgets in our wilderness so we sent the ping and massed up to hit them. Obviously anyone who is out during our timezone would be in a shared cc but that never stops us. Set up at Dwarves and logged in on BC/SOG/TK's nightly joint trip and cleared them from the wilderness. After banking to set up for another round the Brazilians decided to log in so we ran right up and started barraging them off the map. As we began to gain BC/TK/SOG joined back in but they logged in on the 30 line in a 3x3 box and got exploded on log in. Wrapping around the fight we took out each group one by one and made them regroup near singles. Following multiple clears FATE decided to join the Brazilians but walked into a massive 10 man clump with all over their pull and were eliminated from the map before anyone regrouping could come help them. Guess the coordination wasn't there tonight? Oddly enough VR tried to assist them for the second night in a row but only managed a 3 man pool party. Following a bunch of spams and cleared on both alliances we baited BC/TK into the hallway heading into the slayer cave and ran out and barraged out the last remaining 6 noobs in a box before sweeping the wilderness for the rest of the night while every other clan ran out of stamina and ended.
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