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Nullusion last won the day on July 24

Nullusion had the most liked content!

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1348 Excellent


About Nullusion

  • Rank
    Bruiser Brigade
  • Birthday October 13

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  1. Bluecryair gonna learn his lesson the hard way
  2. It had been some time since our last fight so we decided to set something up for this week. Massing up over 40 people we teleported up to Ghorrock where RoT were set up ready to defend. We'd rush east and go back and forth with them as the fight moved up and down the hill around the map. Once again nobody would dare to crash our fight. You'd think a multiple-clan alliances who run their mouth all day would do something to back up their words but we're still not seeing any signs of life. After an entire hour of battle we said our good fights and hit the bank blood thirsty for more action. We'd log in on some of the Brazilians that were messing around at Lava Dragons but they never stood a chance. On the run down the few Infliction members that like to spend their night in whale gear up until the moment they see Deathrow were conveniently on the same world. We'd run up 40 deep with smite on and catch 'Bluecryair' without his prayer on. He'd quickly hit his quick prayers only to see his prayer drop again a second later losing his precious Dragon claws. What does this mean for him? He's down 98m, needs to pay another 98m to keep his rank in Infliction and if he ever wants to use claws again he has to spend another 98m on another set. Bad day to be this guy. To wrap up the night we finished by macing over 200m including our 92nd Korasi. Triple digits soon. Good fight RoT.
  3. On our first world we were lucky to run into Tempest who were trying to log out and didn't bother fighting back. We made it our plan to follow them around for the next hour as we spotted them at 50 portals and then running over to Scorpia. Despite having near matched numbers we ran over with all of them logged in and they instantly ran to singles. Eventually it became obvious they were ready to hit WG's prep. We kept our eyes open for both clans knowing one wouldn't be far from the other. Before too long we noticed they were fighting each other at altar so we set up and logged in pushing them all out. Tempest would leave all together while WG tried to fight back from single. We'd hop worlds and log back underneath them as they moved back into multi once we were gone and the fight resumed again. WG put up a good fight for about 10 minutes while Tempest never bothered returning. Afterwards we'd keep our eyes open in case Tempest tried to hit WG again without inviting us to their party tonight. In the mean time we moved over to hit Brazilians/APC at lavas together. We'd log in on them again at Greater Demons a few minutes later while they were fighting DK and push both clans around the map until they were fully cleared. Infliction thought it would be a smart idea to actually mass up to hit them so we set up and logged in right on top of them (surprise). It only took a minute to clear them off the map as they desperately began buzzing their discord for help. You'd think they'd know better when they look at the clock. There just doesn't seem to be any brain cells remaining in that clan. We'd finish off by sweeping a few locations killing the random DK still out along with some other randoms.
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