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Lil Fourty40

Senior Member
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Lil Fourty40 last won the day on April 30

Lil Fourty40 had the most liked content!

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22 Excellent

About Lil Fourty40

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  1. Rendual kicking bluecryair inb4 bluecryair submits to spying on if
  2. Fought in the middle of 2 clans the whole night and swept the floor with everyone of them.
  3. If cleared 3 times and maced 800m+ pked and inflicshit sat around calling their 2 shit clan alliance to do nothing. Rendual kicking that kid who lost voidwaker.
  4. 500 shitters in inflicshit clan and can't even pk in est. How mad are you.
  5. Fat stack of cash Not to mention 4 voidwakers and inflicsshit killed in action.
  6. If members still not learning. Rendual in their pms yelling his head off at them.
  7. And no one to stop our tax collections.
  8. If banned completely from est
  9. Renduals digging and crying for his personal grave already knowing the future.
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