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Showing most liked content on 04/10/20 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Recap: Hit up the guys and went for a pk well outside our usual timezone for a change. Peaked at 18 and started off at caves. Didn't find much out there apart from some small teams and pvmers so we moved location looking for a scrap. Moved up to altar where we hopped around for a bit smoking randoms until we ran into veng which kicked off a small scrap. We caught them in several juicy clumps inside the cramped altar and had some strong single pile transitions. Tyff. After the small fight we kept it moving and swept all across deep wildy smoking some smaller teams and solo pkers before ending off at caves where we did a final sweep and ended. Video: Pictures:
  2. 1 like
    will be there face cam streaming on twitch my way to the #1 spot DR ON MY NUTS
  3. 1 like
    Jagex is basically a software company and they are using google forms fucking yikes why do I play this game Signed up tho lmao
  4. 1 like
    EoS, I miss Oli, Eli, Vindicator, Seth, Avenge, Conditions and the rest of them. Even Prannoy can be on the list.
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