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Everything posted by Nullusion

  1. Our blood thirsty members were ready for action so we quickly massed up 40 people and baited a combination of TK/DK to log in at Callisto as we teleported up to Greater Demons. We'd swarm in from Lava Gap and send them running away in a matter of seconds. At first they thought because they had multiple groups PKing together they'd be able to take us but our numbers just continued to grow as everyone teleported up. Chasing them around through all the exits and then facing off with the last few in singles we took an ending and got a quick bank. To no surprise the same thing happened only minutes later at the same spot. Clearing the first wave to log in for some odd reason they thought it would be safe for the second wave to log in only to result in the same- sending them to Lumbridge. By this point it was clear they weren't going to match us no matter how many clans they had to aid them and they decided to small man and go into hiding until later in the evening. Knowing nobody was going to fight back and AC had a few trying to spec rush we decided to sweep with our maces strapped. Chasing down Anonymous Community's little 3 man trip we were eventually able to catch 'Za17' for his Voidwaker before he could bother orbing. It's safe to say he won't bringing that out again. Nearing the end of the night we saw that Eliop was streaming a Callisto mass so we geared up and dropped in on that. They were all skulled and had millions in their looting bags. When we got to Edgeville keys were being opened by the millions. We asked if they'd like a rematch and after about ten minutes of waiting they finally teleported up to Greater Demons and rushed us to the east where we were able to push them right back and eventually fully clear them within a couple of minutes. Said our good fights in Edgeville and memed VR a bit before calling it a night. spam
  2. Now that it's come to the point where every clan has learned their lesson when it comes to PKing in EST (8-11pm btw) and have been forced to either stick to only GMT or the later AEST hours to avoid us we had free reign over the wilderness. Grabbed our favorite special attack weapon and went on to smite 180m. Ran into Tempest about mid-way through the evening at Callisto but they only had about half of our numbers and didn't bother fighting back. Knowing they'd probably move to 50 portals we followed them up there but they just ran up the stairs and logged while epa stuck his ags inside his pants so we couldn't take it. Decided to just go back and sweep the normal spots being that Tempest wasn't going to fight us before dividing up the loot for everyone at the end of the trip.
  3. 18 people and nobody wants to help SC lmao
  4. Anonymous Community leader Sp33dy thought he had come up with some master plan to prep everyone for a Callisto event that would have a bigger turnout than his usual PK trip and use himself as bait for a 2v1. We know how his handicapped brain works and were already two steps ahead of him. We hit AC's Callisto mass on our first world while Sicarios took their sweet time massing. This sent their plan into full effect but it wasn't well thought through. Knowing the two clans would combine together along with a bunch of Latinos we decided to hit them each individually. While Infliction camped Sicarios as they teleported up we kept AC occupied on the 30 line by logging in and macing their +1's. Eventually they downgeared to ballistas before leaving Sicarios behind all together because neither side was much help when the other got hit. Both clans were decimated as they dropped in numbers and went into full spy catch mode. We continued to snatch +1's with a couple of 60m kills all the while hunting down the vennies left and right. Nearing the end of the night Sicarios decided to team with Anti-ROT clans in an effort to fight back but after one return they all fled to singles and left the rest to die. Having picked up 150m+ in loot including both an AGS and Toxic Staff from AC we decided to call it for the night. Bet you won't try that again.
  5. EST buzzer sounded off so we massed up. First clan we decide to pay a visit to was Anonymous Community. They thought they could hide in the Callisto cave tonight but we knew what they were up to. After baiting Seqz to skull up we maced his dds. Lost count of how many times we've taken +1's from these guys but it's in the double digits and only getting bigger by the day. They're now orbing on sight of any Deathrow name. Tough way to play the game. Was a quiet night overall but we still walked away with over 330m in loot including 3 Korasis and an AGS2.
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