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Showing most liked content on 09/10/20 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    A few of us were out PKing and ran into a couple groups in Vitality and Anonymous Community. Once we gained a bit we decided to try our luck at hitting AC at castle, but they had already moved to Callisto to hit Eliop's stream. Instantly we ran in on W377 and barraged out both sides forcing them to disperse and run to single or the thirty line, taking an Elder Maul off AC in the process. While we began banking AC decided to mass up and kill the people who stuck around to loot the leftovers so we decided to re-mass ourselves and hit the discord for another round. After gathering ourselves at single strip Anonymous Community prepared themselves for another round by banking and teleporting up to Greater Demons. Once we both had our full opts in game we clashed at glory hill for round two. By this point they outnumbered us by a few but we continued to catch clumps and spear them out one by one as we began to gain ourselves. Nearing the end we began pushing them towards single before taking our foot off the gas a bit and moving north. Eventually they'd move back in to us and resume the fight. We'd continue picking apart their pile and dropping their mages in robes before pushing them north of the gate. Tank baiting a large clump we would catch them in a massive barrage pile which eventually left a dent in their opts in game. As they stood north of the gate we picked any off within reach before deciding to rush in and catch another enormous clump north of the gate. In need of another regroup they again moved to the south part of the game where we had a stand off before they ran south before we could re-rush. Chasing the lingerers to single as they decided to call it a day we went north and took our ending. Good fight AC.
  2. 1 like
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  4. 1 like
    I have wildy hards done yes. But dont have elites. I dont have time for that shit. I have 6 kids
  5. 1 like
    We got unit in Res if ya'll tryna run it.
  6. 1 like
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