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Showing most liked content on 11/28/22 in Posts

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    Figuring we'd see at least SOME clans tonight we decided to stay ready until we saw VR had began scouting for their upcoming trip. As they started out at Callisto we began massing up. At the moment we matched their numbers we went out to hit but they decided to stay logged out and ping for more people while watching their scouts. We continued to hop around in the mean time before eventually running into each other at Vetion. The numbers would be even at the start but we'd take them down in waves. Basically cleared they had to ask DK's discord for help in the clan chat: Wine. Infiltrating their clan chat we sent them bouncing around trying to figure out what to do. Learning that VR was now paying members of F2P teams 32m each to join in on their P2P trip we continued to take them down 2 vs. 1 with ease. Eventually they got sick of being ragged and getting farmed by us so they teleported out and we finished clearing the raggers at sperm hill/vetion and dipped out for the night.
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