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Everything posted by Moha479

  1. kings of est the best to ever do it # DR
  2. smoking that :Furiosonexdick: pic pack

  3. DEATHROW KINGS OF EST PM Moha479#9863 for a way out
  4. l00000000000000000000000000l BC CLEARED IN GAME AND OUT OF GAME AND OF DISCORD l0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000l
  5. call more clans fucking victims cant compete against the best
  6. BC Biggest Victim clan l000000000000000000l #1 DR
  7. we dominated that was some good action
  8. Syndicate needed a replacement for their fight tonight and we were happy to oblige. After cutting to match their numbers we rushed them east of 44's where we caught a bunch of clumps and fought for about 15 minutes before any victim clans would decide to show face. Considering we had more people sitting on the side than they'd be able to pull tonight we kept them in single the entire time. Moving further east we resumed the fight again north of mossies while our guys sitting stayed on top of PD/BC's every attempt to re-rush. Switching our focus on to the two dying clans we wiped them from the map and got a fall in while Syndicate went to the bank. Finishing up with one last round we moved to new gate and rushed in after matching their numbers. Eventually we'd push Syndicate from new gate to near Greater Demons where some victims would log in again so we immediately switched our focus and eliminated them from the map before continuing our fight new near gate for another half hour. Deathrow wins again brothers. now for the loots
  9. anyone intrested in furioso nex dick let me know i gotchu 

  10. most active pk clan DEATHROW KINGS OF EST 💯
  11. say what? DEATHROW OH SAY LESS
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