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Showing most liked content on 02/23/21 in Posts

  1. 4 likes
    PD spamming "do something" when we pushed them to single right before was hilarious.
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    Decided to have ourselves a night in the wilderness tonight and started up a quick mass. Clearing a couple small groups from 50s and Callisto we moved around a bit until we ran into Latin Crew at altar. Even with similar numbers they hightailed it to single and somehow still managed to die as we killed more than 8 of them between single and multi once they were all teleblocked. Having cleared them out we continued to hop around until the spot died down a bit. Moving back to 50's until it dried up we started to get a little split up with random PKers at new gate and then back at castle. Eventually we chased a couple on the same world and split between the two kills at new gate and greater demons. After killing Among at new gate we rushed toward Greater Demons where Tempest was also arriving to save some of their guys. The fight continued on as each side began to gain. Following a few minutes of fighting around the Greater Demon hut Violent Resolution ran in and Tempest decided to bail to the south. Seeing as Tempest has been avoiding us in P2P since day one we decided to give them our loc and world as we waited for them to come back up. To our surprise they actually showed up and a fight kicked off at east light. Despite getting absolutely crushed they continued to spam "Call VR" as if we needed any help with the 9 they had left in game. As time went on we began to gain even more while Tempest's numbers withered. When it was apparent we were about to clear them out they decided to tag Playdead in which they were likely aiming for the entire time. Switching our focus onto Playdead we cleared them from gap vents before chasing everyone west to tip while Sovereign decided to shadow Playdead's arrival just moments after. Having pushed everyone to single and SV in rag we moved to Edgeville and spammed good fight one last time.
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