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Showing most liked content on 08/07/22 in Posts

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    | Forums pending, so posting this here for the lolz | Up to Liam? The mighty 'Prayer Clan' - a PvM discord dedicated to social events has recently been venturing out into the wilderness. We have been attracting active Australian pkers lately which led to bringing the AEST clan scene back to a semi healthy level. For those of you who are unaware, the clan "The United Fighters" led by the Bipolar bear "Liam" recently closed it's doors for the 6th time in as many years. What led to this was all the decent pkers Leaving and joining DR or Prayer clan, This seemingly pissed Liam off somewhat and now he's decided to beef it up with the great AEST Pvm clan PCP. How it Began: Our sources decided to pass this on from TuFs Elite+ section on discord. Prayer clan - an innocent PvM clan being called out by a dead P2P PvP clan? Surely TuF can't stoop this low/surely TuF has not returned? When I seen this I decided to call Liam out and hit him up for "World/Location/Date?" His simply reply was "Gdz world 388 8pm, Today". So the Pk Leaders sent out the pings to our boys who were enjoying Corp/Godwars & General Skilling stopped what they were doing and geared up - knowing TuF could not pull more then 15 we made our way to gdz; Eager to accept this battle... No Tuf?. So we waited another hour, assuming the great leader Liam must have got his times mixed up, surely he would not stall an entire 1 hour ? I sent the above picture to Liam (Making sure he could see our clan chat), we seen him join so decided to spam "Coming? Tick Tock..." no response...We assumed he had moved to altar and we were correct...The rest was, well typical Tuf Performance. Liam Ran south, Goon got dropped (Twice) and a few of the other TuF members failed to tank or just didnt bother. Day 1 - Prayer clan (PCP) Wins. Day 2: Liam wanted to "Bait CL" out - ended up getting baited himself - Tuf Actually managed to pull more then 10-15, The PcP Crew handled it and with some Intel we found them hopping inside Callisto Pocket, so Logged in and ran them to Singles. Day 3: Looking forward to it... @ Liam reading this... It's not too late to change.
  3. 1 like
    l0l that liam nigga is autistic as shit
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    GF Syn #Dr sorry hermano @Jim
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