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Everything posted by Lirk

  1. Thanks to all of the people who made the event possible today. Even though I just joined back about a week ago, still allowed me to participate. Much respect. Hope everyone got something good.
  2. movie will tank. we want real life barbies, not real life diabetes
  3. Lirk


    I live outside of Detroit, there's one in Madison Heights which is 20-30 minutes from downtown.
  4. Still waiting for PD to close
  5. Lirk


    if theres a microcenter by you, you can go when they open and you'll get one. just find out their shipment days.
  6. Lirk


    i9-9900k water cooled 3070 evga ftw3 32gb ram ASUS Prime z370-a motherboard 850w psu lots of lights and fans to add extra performance...and a gaming chair for 80+ fps in game.
  7. EZ cleared and returning in staff barrage. The ultimate breakage point. You know you got yourself in a situation that you can win so you resort to NS lol sad
  8. Lirk


    i feel that man, i used to game on xbox but once i started gaming on pc i never went back. would be nice to sit back with my feet up and play some assassins creed tho lol
  9. Lirk


    you could probably spend that money on better computer parts and just game on pc with a ps5 controller
  10. IF went from the games largest rev protection service to the games largest donation service.
  11. clean fight, was this matched ops? seemed like there were more purple dots than white dots
  12. these sorts of tv shows and movies are always the best. the 70s-80s seem to be the coolest time to grow up in.
  13. Rumor has is AC started a soul wars farming CC after this.
  14. Damn bro, who'd you get that max kill from?
  15. yeah of course. pvmers want nothing more than to go into the wilderness and reap all of the rewards without any risk.
  16. VOTE VOTE VOTE WE NEED WILDERNESS UPDATES. CALLISTO IS BROKE>>> Can't kill vennys without risking my own life. https://jagex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Jm7sRaWnK9gE9E **its on the osrs website if you dont trust my link**
  17. Damn PD....I see why Whip is in my DMs looking for a recruit. The only people I DM are Instagram models, he's DMing dudes off RuneScape. Sad life, sad clan. GJ boys
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