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Frost Shield

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Everything posted by Frost Shield

  1. The boys were small manning when we got word that VR were out on new gate trying to crash a fight. We quickly massed some shooters and teled up. When we rushed into them we couldn't tell whether it was VR or some venny clan because of how shit their tanks were. We had pretty much cleared 70% of them when more clans started to show up so we dipped. Little RJ pmed asking for a fight afterwards and we gladly accepted knowing how easy it was going to be. When our fight started we instantly caught some massive barrage clumps on them which would crumble them for the rest of the fight. Our single piles were just as great with them getting 1 banged over and over. When our cap was over we went to get our fall in, However VR decided to be retards and rushed us (huge mistake btw) which started a uncapped fight. We kept our momentum for another good 20 minutes before VR realised that they were to shit to keep up and teled out. GG RM IN EST NEXT TIME VR?
  2. lad, you had 5 brews in that setup, smh
  3. PD is losing a member every day (reason they didnt want to crash) l0l0l0l0ll0l0l
  4. Started the night off with some fun inners getting the boys warmed up for the farm fest we would have right after. Went to Vetion to find Turmoil and bumped into them pretty quickly. Unsurprisingly they were with mains (Like they always are) in the same CC but it didn't bother us and we would proceed to farm them for the next 30 minutes catching clump after clump on their poor quality members. Countless 1 bangs later they decided to call for backup and geared in rag, we didn't feel like 2v1ing them so we dipped out with our KD's higher than ever. .
  5. Guess the Foe mass leave really hurt them
  6. DC ranger hit us up for a quick mini 55 Def CWA fight and we gladly accepted. Round 1 we had SOTD on and we burned through them left and getting get more than double their kills. Round 2 we decided to turn +1's off and the results were pretty much the same but was still a fun fight. Ended with a 2-0 towards us, TYFF 420
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