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Frost Shield

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Everything posted by Frost Shield

  1. Veng hit us up for a 1v1v1 brawl with Resurgence about a week ago and we thought it would be a good way to switch it up so we gladly accepted. We set up west of dark crabs tele defending and waited for the other 2 to rush in. We had strong single piles and even better multi spells catching some great clumps on the other 2. We all had great moments during the fight but nothing was better than when SV+EZ tried crashing with their 40 man pull combined. We caught clump after clump on these slaves pretty much clearing them off the map in only 5 minutes. They would attempt to suicide to us for a bit longer before calling daddy to save them once again. We had proven that the slaves were dog shit compared to us, so we decided to leave since there was nothing left to prove. We decided to PK a bit after and bumped into 420 at altar, we saw one of them in full karils so we quickly exploded his ass for the $$$. Went to caves for a bit after with nothing but protection cc's and pvmers so we decided to call it a night.
  2. We setup A multi spell fight with Veng North of Spider with them defending. We rushed in them and the carnage began, We had strong single piles on them, killing every single one them left and right. At the 15 minute mark SV & EZ decided to try and crash our fight but only had 30 combined Lmao. We quickly cleared them out in under 5 minutes forcing to get a RG+Call more minions to help them. We had already cleared them off the map so we decided to leave instead of letting them call backup. We did our CWA fight with Veng after with some pretty close rounds, Veng ended up getting the edge on us this time however, Gl next time.
  3. We decided to start the night out differently and did some singles pking to mix it up a bit. We ended up finding a bunch of free loot including catching some whale in ahrims running down from caves. When we finished sweeping all the hotspots in singles we went to caves to bally anything that moved. Smoked all the worlds for the $$$ and decided to end.
  4. Started the night out with our inners event, went to caves afterwards but only ran into protection CC's for about 30 minutes. We still killed all the pvmers and protectors until we got tired of it. Decided to check deep for a bit and ran into Nothing Dead which we fought for a bit until it got crashed, the crashers then proceeded to mace ND members while we got out Lmao.
  5. Was chilling on TS when we saw that Cow San was at Callisto so we grabbed some gear and started to hunt him down. He was trying super hard to avoid us but it wasn't enough, We caught him at pocket and popped his head off almost instantly (Clip Below). Hopped a big longer and bumped into 420's small man, so we smoked them out for some free loot. @Fk_Yaa Then told us that he wanted to do a 150m Drop party for the boys, We rushed to his POH and swarmed for the multiple AGS and SOTD's that he dropped. TY FOR DP Went to Caves after in Bally and casually swept through all the world's killing all the Craw Bows and the protectors that they pay to let them die. We would bumped into SB a couple times and get some decent scraps with them even though they were in rag. We did this for a solid solid 2 hours and ended since we were out for almost 4 hours total. vod-693669201-offset-5630.mp4
  6. We started the night with some fun inners to get the boys warmed up for what has been the easiest fight of our lives. We started at altar and swooped up some free ass mystic sets. Cleared it out pretty quick so went to check out 50's where we found an idiot with a tbow running away from Moha. We were able to catch his ass and kill him for a free Craws Bows. We hopped around deep for a big longer until we found out PD was at gap, we quickly rushed them and started to smoke their dumbasses off the screen. It was just like fighting NL all over again, We would 1 shot our piles and get them in clumps over and over until they realised that we are just better than them. They all ran for their lives only after 15 minutes (just like NL use to lmao). We decided to end after with another easy victory to our name. Try harder Nothing Dead
  7. HMMMMMMMMMM, im confused
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