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Everything posted by Nullusion

  1. Tough one. I would really enjoy myself either way. I'm going to go with poor with friends though. I can do a lot of fun stuff without money if I'm with my friends. Would you prefer to spend the day on the lake or at the beach/ocean?
  2. Nullusion

    Gaming Laptop

    Never liked Macs either
  3. In an effort to test our strength at earlier times we set out on a trip tonight to find out for ourselves just how inept clans that PK in GMT are. We started the trip out at 50 portals where we quickly ran into a small group of 420 PKers who were in quite a bit of risk. They scattered as we logged in and squeezed the juicy loot from Late2pk. From here we moved around from spot to spot, not finding anything until we arrived at Vetion. We dropped a few randoms for the mystics before bumping into Public Enemy with about 10 people. Having outnumbered and outleveled them we killed the few that got caught before running to single and chased the rest down. The final part of the trip was spent in rev caves where we hopped around killing random vennies for a short bit of time before running into Authority on W337. Once we realized they were actually fighting back in some semblance of gear we decided to hit the discord and keep the fight going. Eventually the fight moved to black dragons where AS couldn't sit and tele with their ballistas. Some time went on and SR must have caught word that we were fighting and joined in on the action. Given we were outnumbered by white dots we pulled ourselves to the west and barraged every clump we could find, at one point nearly clearing the black dragon pit. Eventually after regrouping each side ran back in and the clumps started all over again. Word spread of the cluster that was going on and we left while we were still on top. Good job everyone. Some decent action out of our timezone.
  4. Another night, another smoke sesh

  5. Hope the Flyers are still hot. Need someone to dethrone Boston.
  6. Definitely wouldn't put my money on the Raptors.
  7. Nullusion


    authentic as fuck
  8. Golfing with Trump Ability to see and breathe underwater or ability to run as fast as a cheetah.
  9. Nullusion


    First to 1k post count. Had to flex.
  10. Don't die is the best advice anyone ever gave me.
  11. Vince Carter has seemingly played his last game.
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