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Everything posted by Nullusion

  1. Haven't fought Tempest in a few weeks so we set up a fight with each other. Rushed in matched opts and went back and forth for a while until Playdead accidentally spawned alone. As they panicked and called the rest of the midget alliance we farmed them along with some Beyond Control members beginning to arrive. Despite five clans pinged in one discord they barely had over 50 on the map. Moved further and further east as they tried to stay in game (without any +1's). Wiping them off the map at Chaos Dwarves and then the boneyard we each said our goodbyes. Keep up this same energy when you get caught alone on Wednesday.
  2. Your move revinint

  3. Are you having a giggle? Are you having a laugh? (I am)
  4. Joy just memed the fuck out of Rev LOL
  5. That's actually an impressive amount of files considering Rev's been dead for the last year with PD
  6. Youtube leaks are gonna be fire
  7. Nothing makes you more mad than seeing DR go out with 30+ every night why you have to sit on the sideline with a heavy ballista
  8. Nullusion

    Friday: SHAME

    Try again and kick some1 else
  9. Nullusion

    Friday: SHAME

    Second night in a row we got the cc who dun it
  10. Closed clan turned vennie bait team
  11. Can add everyone and lock the cc but I’m still in it
  12. Crazy how we know every VR cc the last two months
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