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Everything posted by Abyssal_Ryan

  1. Slaughtered the wild hard, nice vid and good job all who came
  2. If you have the time and are bored af just looking for a movie to watch, here's an excellent one featuring Liam Neeson. Based on a true story and the meaning behind this movie is just deep to the core beyond words also coming from Northern Ireland I can feel each and every scene. Here's a brief summary of the plot: In Lurgan, Northern Ireland, during 1975 and the Northern Irish Troubles, the Irish Republican Army are targeting loyalists; in turn, the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force are exacting revenge on Catholics they claim are militant republicans. Alistair Little, 17, is the leader of a UVF cell, eager to let blood. He and his gang are given the go-ahead to kill a young Catholic man, James Griffin, as a reprisal and a warning to others. When they kill Griffin, his 8-year old little brother Joe watches in horror. Little is arrested and sentenced to prison for 12 years. In 2008—thirty-three years after the murder and nineteen years after Little is released from prison—Little and Griffin have been set up to meet on camera by a reconciliation project. Little has served his sentence and peace has been agreed to in Northern Ireland, but Joe Griffin is not coming on the programme for a handshake. He is carrying a knife and intends to murder his brother’s killer during the meeting. However, just before he is to go on camera, he becomes extremely agitated and demands that the cameras be removed. When the producers try to calm him, he leaves, and the two men do not meet. Little offers to meet Griffin, and Griffin accepts. Griffin asks Little to meet him at Griffin's childhood home, now abandoned and boarded up, where Little murdered his brother. As Griffin reaches for the knife before the meeting, his wife tries to stop him, but he pushes her to the floor. At the meeting, Griffin, full of hate and wanting vengeance, attacks Little from behind and attempts to stab him. In the struggle, they fall through a second story window. Enjoy.
  3. Not sure as I've been absent from the clanning scene for years now but I do know for certain Deathrow comes top.
  4. Ye and it's still pretty dope. First time I heard of him was back in 2012 when he droppe ill min pt5, that shit still hasn't been topped to this day tbh
  5. ooof your clue reward, I'd be screamin
  6. fuckin chill banger https://open.spotify.com/track/0nWx0KtQOstWXL6pkJpvnM?si=AfKXE4QDRRG36LksAVAJGQ
  7. Nice koes there but where's the sick nostalgic rock tunes at
  8. All I'm gonna say is why have I not fucking got that shit yet....
  9. Ah I've never really done DMM and all that tbh but yea sounds it
  10. 1996 total atm, about to clap that 2k
  11. Was an absolute rampage, lost around 10m but fuck was it worth
  12. nice but I wanna see return tab not pk gear tbh lol
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