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Sunday: Enforcing Infliction's Gearcap ft. AC/DK

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k7ia6QS.png   dEuvfoB.png   GPwhN6X.png

Infliction made the decision to turn against us so we've been sure to give them a taste of how things are going to be from now on. After macing them 10+ times whether they had a +1 or not we would rewind the VHS and play it over again tonight. Only this time they were gearcapped after last night's debacle. Their leadership doesn't like waking up to find out some of their members lost multiple +1's in one night. Despite being gearcapped we continued to take them for ballistas or whatever they had.


Once their trip fizzled out we switched our focus on to AC and DK and hit them multiple times. In between we collected our second Bowfa fattening up the split for the night.


There's no turning back now that you've made your choice. Now you'll have to deal with the consequences.



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More +1's ty

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I'll still take those ballistas

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20 minutes ago, Nullusion said:



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