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Showing most liked content on 07/18/20 in Posts

  1. 3 likes
    So our boy Moha scheduled a small man for primetime EST, we started off smoking noobs at gdz in our finest "guthix robes" "so you not lose big bank if you ded", we then rotated to newgate where we found no action and moved to caves. We coordinated our hits and made the stankest of loots. Once we had cleared all the pvmers Moha told u "I'sm going to teach you saomething that you do not know" so we dded sub 30 line and made coordinated attacks on skill total worlds, clearing all the protectors and pvmers alike they didnt stand a chance. after clearing them out we rotated to spider which was pretty dead minus a few ones and twos. Moha like the leader he is rallied the boys to go strike "The Power Ranger Boss" It started raining lootations from dirty pvmers, and then we ran into The Boys. Our fearless CLAN FRIEND rallied the clan and we decided to strike back fighting for 20 minutes clean af. We finished our trip at alter, all in all the boys feasted and you can thank @Moha479 2020-07-18_04-15-32_Trim.mp4
  2. 1 like
    so we massed up 4 of our biggest dick niggas @Ghost@Ocean Manand honorable mention @jesus then we went to the nightmare of ashs momma. We bobbed and we weaved her gropey little paws and flicked our prayers like the gangstas we are, then we bopped that thot slid inside her and robbed her blind. So heres the aftermath of running a train on ashs momma. @jesus only gets an honorable mention due to the fact he went afk for this kill so ot was a 3man inquisitors mace.
  3. 1 like
    The boys got cleared so bad they called SV, once again lmao!!!
  4. 1 like
  5. 1 like
    Hahaha that video is the perfect epitome of the trip. The trip was really fun. Gj @Moha479.
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    what a great money making day maah niggers verry nice
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    @Babeff eat a whole bag of dicks (john told me to say this)
  13. 1 like
    PD's spies just fucking multiplied tenfold. Successful merge I'd say.
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