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Showing most liked content on 07/28/20 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    We started the night with some fun inners to get the boys warmed up for what has been the easiest fight of our lives. We started at altar and swooped up some free ass mystic sets. Cleared it out pretty quick so went to check out 50's where we found an idiot with a tbow running away from Moha. We were able to catch his ass and kill him for a free Craws Bows. We hopped around deep for a big longer until we found out PD was at gap, we quickly rushed them and started to smoke their dumbasses off the screen. It was just like fighting NL all over again, We would 1 shot our piles and get them in clumps over and over until they realised that we are just better than them. They all ran for their lives only after 15 minutes (just like NL use to lmao). We decided to end after with another easy victory to our name. Try harder Nothing Dead
  2. 1 like
    Imagine merging and this is the outcome, great jobs guys.
  3. 1 like
    Good trip bois. Thats my loot from the final pics lloolloololol
  4. 1 like
    Interesting build. You still have a ton of options!
  5. 1 like
    50 attack 60 def (gmaul, obby) and if u dont like that u can just get 60 attack or 75 even after
  6. 1 like
    Maybe a 60 att piety build?
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