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stevie last won the day on June 20 2024

stevie had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

49 Excellent

About stevie

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1966 profile views
  1. Looks like just another day for DR
  2. Leafs got the #1 player in the game rn - see signature
  3. stevie

    Age of Empires 4

    i'll try it out, i actually liked ao2 and aoe3
  4. Interesting lol. getting made less and less doe
  5. lost in the semis with a score of 135 in .5 ppr. Can't complain with the outing, guy i played ended up winning the whole thing
  6. I meant drugs as in meds for a stomach thing I have! My auto immune system overreact, so the meds I take help suppress the hyper activity; but this does lead to my immune system being weaker than others. I'm not more prone to catching anything than anybody else, but i'd have a tougher time fighting something off.
  7. Probably will because i'm immunosupressed and alrdy take a shitload of drugs i dont know anything about
  8. Fights 4 and 5 were pretty damn fun. Missed the rest of them.
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