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its_sf5 last won the day on October 11 2020

its_sf5 had the most liked content!

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56 Excellent

About its_sf5

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  1. Is that the suicide hotline number? They definitely need that on speed dial after what happened to them tonight LOL
  2. Why is pd even a thing still? they've had 1 finger out of the coffin trying to stay alive for the past year. PUT THAT LAST FINGER IN AND SHUT THE LID - YOU ARE DEAD PD.
  3. why is pd even open for real tho?
  4. shoulda got oda's kill had a 350 + 220 xp drop ffs
  5. Sv not being able to pk without ez + 3 other random clans, what else is new?
  6. flicked smite for 1 hit and man loses his staff. YIKES
  7. its_sf5

    2k Total

    @Nullusiontake notice my brother
  8. They cant hang with the big boys. BACK TO THE KIDDIE TABLE
  9. shitty clans allie with shitter clans, no surprise there!
  10. TYSM EZ ❤️ appreciate the donation.
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