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Clan Friend
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Everything posted by Wtf

  1. i smoked literally everyone. cry about it
  2. there is nothing all these clans can do lmfao
  3. pd bc rev aren't allowed to have trips anymore l0000000000l
  4. pd pulled 5 and can't catch the spies l00000000l
  5. why did none of my victims go out. don't burn out on letting me farm you yet l0000000000l
  6. dr did that do something about it
  7. killed literally every clan lmfao
  8. 5 people in channel but pd can't catch the spy. or are they all spying 😳
  9. thanks for +1s rev bc pd l000l
  10. rev cant compete l000000l
  11. the alliance regrets letting pd in because they have more spies than members lmfao
  12. pd spy infested af l0000000l everyone cashing out
  13. thanks for ags fs kl00l0lk0llkl0l
  14. i took pd's pk trips from them lmfao
  15. fs loses everything on pures and mains LOOOOOOL
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