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Showing most liked content on 05/26/20 in Posts

  1. 3 likes
    I see my self get 45 47 42'd in the beginning lmao
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    ggs everyone. happy birffday @Stl Arrow
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    After a break from PKing over the holiday weekend we massed up this evening hungry for some action. Knowing exactly where NL is we promptly left our mass once we hit 15 people and went up to Vetion to begin scouting. It wasn't long before I found Known Aussie on W532 and we logged in. They obviously were trying to get a measure on how many we had before logging in. Eventually they logged in and began fighting back with around the same numbers. Having only spent a few minutes massing we spammed discord again now that we were actually fighting and each side gained a bit. The fight moved south where we began running through NL members left and right. Our spam started to pick up and NL knew they were outmatched and took their leave. We took our ending and teled in to Edgeville to spam good fight and a cheeky "gl r2?". Knowing NL weren't about to end we quickly geared up and went up to caves. Here we found a few small teams before hopping into NL's world again. A few decided to bolt back while the rest teleported out quicker than we could attack anyone. Concern may have set in as we found NL yet again, this time fighting The Boys. Now with nearly 25 people we rushed south where NL would instantly teleport, leaving "The Boys" to fight us alone. Seeing as this is who we were after the entire time we began forcing them to teleport out one after another. They made a small comeback near the middle, but one good tank clumped them into a massive barrage pile forcing them all to teleport simultaneously. Hitting the panic button they gave their brotherclan SV a call to come crash the fight and we decided to leave. Here we moved to Altar for a few more kills before wishing our very own member @Stl Arrow a happy birthday and ending for the night. Some great action tonight. Good fight NL and TB.
  7. 1 like
    eyyyyyyyy gz gz gz brother!!!!
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    You got that level from space man. Gj
  12. 1 like
    good vid bra couldnt resist the cheeky mystic lootations ahahaha
  13. 1 like
  14. 1 like
    Like 26 pieces of mystics blurred in that inventory for sure Great vid
  15. 1 like
    ty for vid i literally logged in for last 5 mins and didnt find the fight till we were taking ending..... very sad but it was a good night out after that to:D
  16. 1 like
    Must suck to be in the boyz and have to call other clans to even compete with us.
  17. 1 like
    Was a hella good job guys. Was fun and happy birthday boo
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    civ is decent i recommend age of empires as well
  27. 1 like
    Damn just listened to the guy with butterfly tattoos on his neck.. not bad. But fk, so many piercings and tattoos. It’s a sign of stress and depression. Maybe? Lol.
  28. 1 like
    Face tats? Look at his teeth lmao, guy is a clown Good song doe
  29. 1 like
    finally a less gay song
  30. 1 like
    cannot go wrong whenever a flute in the beat
  31. 1 like
    Really good, but you can tell Michael had direct yes/no power on everything. Lots of the bad stuff gets extremely glossed over.
  32. 1 like
    You can get this for no more than £15, speed settings are perfect, has built in macro (no i dont use) and can apply fkeys to mouse (yet again i dont use i should) Pictek T7
  33. 1 like
    Loved this one, was clean af
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