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Showing most liked content on 04/24/23 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    EST time arrived and we noticed Anonymous Community lurking in our timezone. Following a quick mass we moved up the south exit near the 30 line and sent a bait in to tank them slightly above the line knowing they like to teleport out on sight. After a series of unfortunate events we caught EIGHT of them in a barrage clump and exploded 75% of what they had in game. With some expert teleblocking all around we were able to catch and kill ALL remaining Anonymous white dots before taking an ending. A solid effort tonight from AC but the better clan was left standing with ZERO casualties. The only other meal out tonight would be SOG so we moved over to Vetion and cleared them with ease. As always they'd ping every Anti-DR clan they could in order to gain the numbers to fight back. Instead we decided to bring out our most powerful weapon: the Ancient mace. Taking multiple +1's from Beyond Control's venezuelan squad we continued the night around the wilderness smiting their open clan chat. The night would wind down as Playdead's leaders would hide inside other teams instead of massing up themselves. We'd catch all of their associates in multi before bullying the entire open chat to single and then spearing them into multi to cap off the night.
  2. 1 like
    how many +1s did we rip off you shitters LMAO
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