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Everything posted by Nullusion

  1. The age old timezone debate will be around forever and recently the argument has been brought to light. Thirteen years ago clans would fight at 5pm EST typically every Saturday and sometimes throughout the week. Most clanners were still in their teenage years without any more obligations than high school and maybe a 3-4 day work week. Today the player base is much older. With a range of people attending college classes throughout the day and night, jobs scheduled in either day or night, in addition to the commitments to a spouse and possibly even raising children. 5pm is no longer plausible. We aren't in high school anymore. Getting to the point: What time do you consider to be the "prime time" of your timezone? For me it'd have to be between the hours of 8pm and 12am (midnight). As the night winds down it seems like most have more free time to nerd out on RuneScape. To top it off, any clan that's american based tends to PK at these same hours and if you want any action you'll have to venture into this timezone. GMT will argue that it's far too late and rightfully so, but those 5pm fights that are actually a "prime time" for yourselves fall at 10pm. The same hour that EST (10pm) would be reaching its peak. Clans that fight outside of their timezone will never be at full strength. You can either accept it or do something about it.
  2. Awesome. Will definitely come in handy.
  3. Nullusion

    RC pet

    Pretty cool. Congrats!
  4. Good fight VR. Thanks for fighting in EST for once.
  5. We originally had a fight planned with someone for tonight but they backed out last minute. Quickly we set out asking around to see if anyone wanted to fight and after a few clans rejected we were accepted by The Boys. We gave them some time to mass and took an extra 15-20 minutes ourselves. Once time came about we massed just around 30 people and set up just west of rune rocks. The Boys eventually logged in under us and we began piling each other on sight. A few minutes went by and we caught TB in another barrage pile to the south west and cleared the majority of them off the map, taking the upperhand. Soon after SV would rush in from single and we'd each begin our focus on SV. Several attempts were made to get the upperhand on the two of us but time and time again SV were pushed back west to single and we would begin fighting The Boys. Eventually the fight became a 1v1v1 as each side was still piling the other. Near the end of what was planned of our original cap The Boys decided to join SV and team against us, so we took our leave. Some solid action tonight. Good job everyone.
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