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Showing most liked content on 01/01/25 in all areas

  1. 3 likes
    So ur saying dcranger gets flamed by 3 other faggots and a paki?
  2. 2 likes
    What’s vr doing in that allied disc rendrool?
  3. 2 likes
    They're going to stay up until 6 am again spy catching and blind kick 5 innocent lmaoooo
  4. 1 like
    The victim alliance has been struggling for a long time and with rev & clumpa closing things have only gotten worse and worse for these freaks. Most struggling to pull over 20 members to events and unable to deal with open cc retards like Infliction which we bully with ease, has left many clans in despair. In an effort to do some sort of damage BC leader Unit tried to revive 'Clumpa' discord with a remake called ' RAG BTW' . This discord hasn't really been used effectively as the clans are mostly dead + any leadership with some sort of resemblance of a clanning brain is gone. Nonetheless enjoy some leaks for your entertainment this holidays. As mentioned on our Leak List for the New Year we'd be leaking both alliances. Infliction has had a 'Leaders' discord for some time now where they will invite anyone that can help them in the wilderness. It's no secret they refuse to fight on their own, but now we're pulling the curtain and exposing what Infliction leaders are up to behind closed doors. 'Leaders' of this discord include 420 PKers, Playdead, Paragon, Notorious, Pures of Today, La Hermandad, Latin Wild and Mr Dineroxxx. IMPORTANT: SCROLL AND READ FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE TOP Infested Alliance Part I Infested Alliance Part II Infested Alliance Part III DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? FULL LIST OF VICTIMS:
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    Should begin worrying about what we haven’t leaked yet
  9. 1 like
    Not bad for the "only pks 3 hours, 3 days a week, in dead timezone" clan.
  10. 1 like
    Vennies going to be putting buckets outside for rain water soon
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    We broke 8+ clans to merge. Now they can only pk EST when they're all out together. Don't get caught slipping. I'm taking your voidwakers and taxing you to your scrawny weak rendrool who can't even do 1 push up lmfao. No wonder he taxing you. It's to feed his scrawny ass before he dies of hunger. Pedoranger you better start taxing your members before the feds pick you up. You gonna need that bail money.
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    Crazy how RAG BTW gets pinged and no one shows up lmfao
  16. 1 like
    PD closed btw just a chat room clan now. Back to private servers dogs.
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    420 got your alliance leaked imagine that lmao
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    Dcranger getting memed in an allied discord is pure comedy
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    So ur saying I got spies in both ur alliances?
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    imagine not being able to 1v1 us, calling5 clans for help and then saying that they can take us. what a joke.
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